In 2003, Eddie and LouAnn Dick decided to turn their passion for home building into a business and Travis Creek Homes was born.

Eddie Dick
In 2003 Eddie and Lou Ann founded Travis Creek Homes. Twenty years previously Eddie had decided against going into the home building business and chose another industry. After 15 years serving as Executive Vice President of Waste Industries Inc. and five years as President /COO of Texas Disposal Systems, Eddie and Lou Ann were ready to strike out on their own and Travis Creek homes was founded.
Eddie's business experience along with time in local government provided a good background for custom home builders. Having worked in a service industry helped prepare me to bring a level of customer service and focus not normally apparent in homebuilding.
In addition to spending time with his wife, children, and two grandsons, Eddie can often be found messing with old cars—British sports cars specifically. He works on them, restores them, drives them and has one that he races in vintage sport car races.
Eddie has been active in his church and served with Lou Ann in the children’s ministry. He also served as an adult class shepherd and previously as an Elder. He and Lou Ann both are active in Community Bible Study.

Lou Ann Dick
The first half of my “career life” was divided up between being an operating room nurse and a stay-at-home mom. After our kids were grown I began the second half of my “career life” by going back to the operating room. At the same time, we started Travis Creek Homes. I soon discovered that I much preferred the homebuilding business to nursing. Eddie has an eye for all the things you do not see (behind the sheetrock). Me, I like all the pretty things, the jewelry of your home—tile, lights, shiny plumbing fixtures, appliances, etc.
I try to make the selection process fun because I know that for some it is agony. We look at things, we go to lunch, we laugh. Some clients wish to bring their own interior designer to the process and that works just as well. We work closely with the designer so there is no interruption in the flow of things. Homebuilding is something we have enjoyed for 30 plus years. We had several homes built for us in the first 20 years of our marriage and loved the whole process. So we decided to take that love of home building and make the dreams of others come true.
In addition to homebuilding, I enjoy time with our two adult children and especially my two grandsons. I have been a participant in and a group leader for women’s bible studies at our church and with Community Bible Study. I also volunteer with Mobile Loaves and Fishes.

Jared Juszczak
Jared’s role with Travis Creek Homes consists primarily of business development and project management. His previous endeavors in youth ministry and window and door sales have been wonderful experiences to prepare him for his service-centric role in the custom home building business. What Jared enjoys most about the home building process is the opportunity to get to know the client and grow a relationship with them during the construction of their home.
Originally from Tomball, Texas, Jared moved to Austin to attend Concordia University. After his graduation in 2007, he spent five years working with middle and high school youth in Winter Haven, Florida where he met his wife. Nine months after the birth of their first son, they moved back to Austin. Upon moving back, he spent the next six years selling windows and doors to custom home builders before he was offered the incredible opportunity to join Travis Creek Homes. He currently resides in Buda, Texas with his wife, Christy; their three children, Berrick, Dexter and Nora.